Genesis 6:5 -10
Vs 5: The Lord saw the wickedness of his creation… If we were to compare this statement with Genesis 1 where the Lord saw his creation and said that it was very good we would understand why his heart broke. God saw that humanity had become evil to the core and they were getting worse and worse. Humanity had…
Vs 6: Sin always grieves God. Yes, even the sins you and I commit grieve God. In this grief or regret we see the passion of God for humanity. His grief and regret was so great that he was sorry he even created humanity. Not only was he grieved (sorry) but He was also provoked to a fierce reaction. Vs 7: God declares he is going to destroy humanity and all living things. We see that sin not only stirs God’s heart of sorrow but also his anger towards sin. Vs 8: But Noah found favor with the Lord. God is going to destroy humanity but among all the evil and wickedness he finds Noah. Why Noah?
God spares the righteous from his judgment. What is the take away today? God sees… These are words that stick out to me and I ask you take them with you today. God sees the way we live our lives. Our actions matter to him. I believe the way we conduct our lives, treat people around us and how much we allow God to be the Lord of our lives matters. When we sin it grieves his heart. How does that make you feel? Does it cause you to reconsider how you live your life? Does it scare you? Think about this today. We are God’s creation and we bring much joy to him so let us commit to living for him unashamedly. Let us be mindful of sin and the affects it has on us personally and how it grieves the heart of God. Although sin is ever present around and in us we do not have to fear the harsh judgment of God. This is not to say that God will not punish or discipline us for the sins we commit. It does mean that we have an advocate, Jesus Christ, who has bore the punishment for us so we do not have to face the harsh judgment of God; instead we are redeemed as children of God so let us live as children of the King.
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Jeff has been in full-time ministry for thirty years. He currently serves as Executive Director at Anchor House Ministry at SeaPort Manatee in Palmetto, FL and he is a part-time Campus Pastor at West Bradenton Southside in Bradenton, Florida.
Jeff Has authored A Lent Devotional (A Spiritual Journey to Lent) an Advent Devotional (The Advent of Jesus) and a devotional on the book of James (James: Where Faith and Life Meet). All three are available on Amazon. He is married to Carrie and they have four children, Micaiah, Gabe, Simon, and Berea. Preview or purchase Jeff's Books
February 2025
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