Scripture Read: Exodus 28 - 29
Title: Instructions on making the garments of the priests and consecrating the priests. H.E.A.R. Entry (H) Highlight verse: "And you shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother for glory and beauty." Ex. 28:2 (E) Explain: We are at the place where many people start dropping off like flies when reading through the Bible. This and the next few chapters are filled with specific details instructions on creating various items for the Tabernacle and for worship. In today's passage we read the instructions on how to make Aaron (Moses' brother) the High Priest's garments. At first reading this whole process can be monotonous and boring. However, when I read this a little deeper I see there is a lot of significance to the details of this priestly garb. The stones on the shoulder with the names of the sons of Israel as a sign of remembrance. The breastpiece of judgment shows that Aaron will bear the judgment of the people of Israel on his heart regularly. The robe with the bell and pomegranates shall be on Aaron when he ministers in the Most Holy Place so that the people outside will know that he is still alive in the presence of the LORD. The turban is a sign of of consecration of holy things before God. All of these details show two things... 1. The matter of worshiping God is a serious thing. He is not to be approached casually or irreverently. He is to be approached by the one who is consecrated by Him and as a representative of the people to God. 2. God wants and deserves the best in worship. He doesn't want the left overs or the useless things. He wants and deserves the best. (A) Application: Today, we approach and worship God very differently than the Israelites of old. This is both good and bad. It is good because we no longer need someone else to go before God to represent us, we can go before Him on our own and because of Jesus Christ. We don't have to keep all these specific rules and dress in order to worship Him. I see this as a beautiful gift. I do believe though, that in our casual worship and approach to God does causes us to forget about the true holiness of God. Personally, I would like to be more reverent in my worship with God. I sometimes take for granted the grace and mercy of God and I fail to approach a holy God in awe and in reverence. I think we need to approach God in a balanced way. We need to know that we have access to Him any time of the day. We don't need to dress a certain way or have someone go before God for us. However, we also need to be reminded of God's holiness and we should enter our time of worship with him in awe, reverence and a good perspective on who He is. (R) Respond: Thank you that the only advocate I need to enter into worship with you God is Jesus. Thank you that you do not require me to dress a specific way or worship in a certain way, you want me to worship with a pure heart and reverent spirit. Help me to do this daily.
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Jeff has been in full-time ministry for thirty years. He currently serves as Executive Director at Anchor House Ministry at SeaPort Manatee in Palmetto, FL and he is a part-time Campus Pastor at West Bradenton Southside in Bradenton, Florida.
Jeff Has authored A Lent Devotional (A Spiritual Journey to Lent) an Advent Devotional (The Advent of Jesus) and a devotional on the book of James (James: Where Faith and Life Meet). All three are available on Amazon. He is married to Carrie and they have four children, Micaiah, Gabe, Simon, and Berea. Preview or purchase Jeff's Books
February 2025
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