Introduction We are continuing in our series titled FEVER PITCH. For the past three of weeks, we have talked about “hot button” topics in our culture that have reached a fever pitch and we are learning together how we should respond to these topics in a biblical manner and in ways that bring glory to God. The structure of our mornings together has had a different feel to them as we watch videos of our discussion panels who talk openly and honestly about these current issues. so far, we have talked about “Socialism vs Capitalism”, “Racial Equality”, and “Sex and Gender.” This week is another topic that people have intense moral, spiritual and emotional convictions. Sanctity of life or being pro-life has been a controversial topic for many decades and will continue to be the center of heated debate for years to come. The topic of abortion vs. anti-abortion has intensified to the point where people have been publicly shamed, thrown in jail, and ironically murdered over their convictions and beliefs. But when we talk about being pro-life does this only mean we only fight for the lives of the unborn or does being pro-life cover more? Today’s video discussion panel will speak more specifically to this issue and our biblical response to how the church can be holistically pro-life. Remember, the questions discussed in the video were asked by the students in our ministry at the 43rd Street Campus. Some of these questions include, how can we show grace about such a sensitive issue? Why is it important to advocate for life? Is abortion the only pro-life issue? And what should the church do about women who had an abortion in their past? Let’s see what our panel has to say… At the core being pro-life means that you support life over death. I understand this is a very general and broad definition, but true, nonetheless. I believe pro-life means more than being anti-abortion. It is true that the topic of abortion is the most prominent discussion when talking about pro-life, but it covers so much more. So, the question is since we are holistically pro-life what does this mean? This certainly can also affect our views on the death penalty, suicide, and euthanasia. As Christians we support life of all people. The Bible very clearly tells us that humanity was made, formed, and created in the image of God. All humanity is created by God so this means all humans have intrinsic worth. We value every person because we believe anyone can be saved. And if anyone can be saved, then everyone is worth saving. Since we value ALL life, EVERY life, and the WHOLE of life—from conception to natural death... we must also value justice for those lives. So, what does this say to us as Christians or more importantly what does the Bible, God’s Word, have to say to us about the importance and sacredness of life?
Conclusion Theologian, J.I. Packer writes, “(The sixth commandment) rests on the principle that human life is holy, first because it is God’s gift and second because man bears God’s image. Human life is thus the most precious and sacred thing in the world, and to end it, is God’s prerogative alone. We honor God by respecting his image in each other, which means consistently preserving life and furthering each other’s welfare in all possible ways.” We are created in the image of God; thus, all life is sacred; your life, a baby’s life, a supposed failure’s life, an elderly person’s life… EVERY life… EVERY life matters. It is God who determines life or allows a life to end. But we know that the Bible tells us God is a life giver, and Satan is one who desires to devalue and destroy life. It is not up to you, me, or any other person to take the life of any innocent person. Life is a gift from God and this gift is precious, thus we must be willing to protect it, fight for it, and ultimately live it in the abundance that Jesus came to give us.
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Jeff has been in full-time ministry for thirty years. He currently serves as Executive Director at Anchor House Ministry at SeaPort Manatee in Palmetto, FL and he is a part-time Campus Pastor at West Bradenton Southside in Bradenton, Florida.
Jeff Has authored A Lent Devotional (A Spiritual Journey to Lent) an Advent Devotional (The Advent of Jesus) and a devotional on the book of James (James: Where Faith and Life Meet). All three are available on Amazon. He is married to Carrie and they have four children, Micaiah, Gabe, Simon, and Berea. Preview or purchase Jeff's Books
February 2025
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